Sonic Fan Fiction Archives

Welcome to the Sonic Fan Fiction Archives. Here you can find the best fan-fiction stories from all across Mobius, based on the Sonic cartoon series from DIC. Please choose an author to go to their respective story section, or click on their e-mail address to send them e-mail.

If you have a Sonic short story that you would like to submit for posting to this page, please send it to and enter 'Sonic Story' as the subject. Please note that the story should at least roughly fit into the Sonic Universe we know from the SatAM cartoon.

Attention: please send your stories in plain ASCII format (MS-DOS .txt files) ONLY! I will NOT accept files in MS-Word or WordPerfect format (.doc files), I will NOT accept RICH text documents (.rtf files), and I will NOT accept HTML files or quoted-printable attachments. If you send me stories in that format, I will delete them without further notice.

Due to the huge amount of fan fiction that is still in my To Read folder, alas it might take quite a while until you hear from me... but be assured that no story will be forgotten (if it qualified for my page).

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