A Note From The Author

The project which essentially introduced me to fanfics, took almost three years, and served at times as my only remaining link to Sonic fandom...is over.

You'll pardon me, I hope, if I don't go on and on trying to articulate the significance of this. On to matters someone else might actually care about... :)

I started this on what I took as a dare. From the disclaimer for "Postcards from Mobius":

If anyone wishes to refer to anything that they may find in my stories in one of their own, that is their business, but as my stories are specifically designed to stand outside the usual run of Sonic fiction it would probably not work very well.
I hope it is your opinion that Kenal's Story, which was essentially inspired by Dulcy's reaction to the griffin art in "Postcards from Mobius", has worked very well.

If you want to read the "Postcards from Mobius" stories, please click here.

In the spirit in which this started, then, if anyone wishes to write a story referring to my stories, go ahead. I have tried to make Kenal's Story a link between Dic's "SatAM" version of Sonic and Sega's version as rendered in the games. Aside from the ages - Sonic and Tails are supposedly younger in Sega's version than they are at the end of Kenal's Story - I think this works. Robotnik has a bunch of toys to throw at Sonic, and might be able to use nonevolved animals in them, but the standardized SWATbot/hoverbot/workerbot forces are history. Sonic and Tails are, essentially, on their own when they fight Robotnik, although they have hardly abandoned Sally and the others. And, as the term goes, Kenal is dead-dead: dead in a way beyond all possibility of coming back. Although I have no qualms about anyone using Kenal or the other griffins in other stories, I did not wish to leave these characters lying around to cause trouble for Mobius in the post-Robotnik future.

And if you don't want to write? Then sit back and enjoy. Or, if you are reading this after reading the story, I hope you have enjoyed it.

- One whose life really was changed by writing this...

Adrian Tymes

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