Chao Facial Features: Offset: 0x5c 0x5d 0x5e 0x5f --------------------- --------------------------- No mouth, normal eyes a6 57 9e 5b no mouth, normal eyes 5f a6 f5 62 no mouth, normal eyes 3a a8 f0 60 no mouth, normal eyes 40 17 aa 61 no mouth, normal eyes b3 d4 10 5e no mouth, normal eyes 5f f0 b6 60 no mouth, normal eyes dc 4a db 64 no mouth, normal eyes e6 ee f2 60 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes 02 57 19 63 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes d0 b6 5e 62 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes 15 34 ff 6d /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes a3 da 2d 5a /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes fe aa 23 6b /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes 1e 9d 49 5f /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes 06 d6 3f 63 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes a7 c2 40 65 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes ee 5a eb 66 /\-shaped mouth, normal eyes 22 ba 49 64 /\-shaped mouth, 'luv' eyes 1f 43 23 5a shark mouth, normal eyes d6 57 4c 6d shark mouth, normal eyes af 41 0b 5a shark mouth, normal eyes b0 ee 19 66 shark mouth, normal eyes d7 0b 63 67 shark mouth, normal eyes a9 46 56 6a shark mouth, normal eyes a6 30 17 61 shark mouth, normal eyes bb f2 e8 6b shark mouth, normal eyes d8 f1 64 5e shark mouth, normal eyes aa f3 2c 60 shark mouth, normal eyes b1 eb 39 63 no mouth, 'luv' eyes fc f5 5b 64 no mouth, 'luv' eyes df 04 3e 63 smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 41 e1 5a 5f smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 43 3f 2c 69 smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 59 25 fb 6c smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 32 29 55 62 smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 49 38 56 64 smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 3d 62 f6 69 smile mouth, 'luv' eyes 5e 08 31 5a smile mouth, normal eyes 42 a1 38 5f smile mouth, normal eyes 46 14 fd 66 smile mouth, normal eyes 3e 02 fd 5e smile mouth, normal eyes 36 9d 39 66 smile mouth, normal eyes 44 3c a2 5c smile mouth, normal eyes 32 60 b5 5b ~~~-shaped mouth, normal eyes 5b b3 b9 60 ~~~-shaped mouth, normal eyes e4 d1 e4 5d ~~~-shaped mouth, normal eyes 29 bf a7 67 ~~~-shaped mouth, normal eyes 00 af 00 5b ~~~-shaped mouth, normal eyes 4f dc d0 6c ~~~-shaped mouth, mean eyes ae c3 a4 5b ~~~-shaped mouth, mean eyes 1f d2 b4 5a ~~~-shaped mouth, mean eyes ec af ab 5c ~~~-shaped mouth, mean eyes a1 bc d0 6c ~~~-shaped mouth, mean eyes e4 d2 ca 62 no mouth, sleepy eyes 14 39 d5 62 no mouth, sleepy eyes 1c 35 a6 64 no mouth, sleepy eyes f9 41 af 61 no mouth, sleepy eyes e2 24 a0 62 no mouth, sleepy eyes f4 51 aa 6d no mouth, horizontal eyes f6 0e a4 5c no mouth, horizontal eyes 19 08 dc 66 Note: the values at offset 0x5c/0x5d as well as 0x5e/0x5f might both be little endian word values (meaning that they form a 16-bit value with the least-significant byte first). However, this is only a wild guess... If you can derive any general rules from the above values, please e-mail with a detailled description of what you fould out.