Sonic the Hedgehog; Episode #2 OPENING SCENE: Wide shot of a huge generator complex, with SONIC, TAILS and KNUCKLES standing at the entrance. SONIC So this is the entrance to EggmanLand. TAILS Eggman has a magnificent house, huh? KNUCKLES This is no time to be astonished. SONIC Yeah. Let's go. The trio runs down into the complex. TAILS Keep going straight this way, Sonic. KNUCKLES I can't wait. SONIC Be careful or you might get hurt, Knuckles! KNUCKLES I'll be fine. Ha ha! Several laser blasts hit close by, fired by hidden security robots. KNUCKLES Sonic! You go ahead, I can take care of this. SONIC Good luck. Sonic and Tails run ahead. TITLE: Sonic vs Metal Sonic Sonic races at top speed toward the Egg-Generator, but can't reach it because the conveyor belt that leads to it runs in the opposite direction. SONIC Tails, fly! TAILS Oh yeah... Tails flies to the gererator and tries to pull the turn-off lever, but he isn't strong enough. TAILS It's too heavy! KNUCKLES (busts through the wall) I'll stop it! The generator stops only one second before meltdown. All the lights in EggmanLand go out, leaving the city shrouded in darkness. Suddenly Sonic is trapped in a forcefield. Knuckles tries running toward Sonic on the conveyor belt, which is still moving. KNUCKLES Sonic, I'll get you out of there! The Egg-Generator crumbles apart, and Sonic falls into the abyss below. Knuckles can catch him just in time before hitting ground. KNUCKLES Got you! TAILS Are you okay, Sonic? In the distance a glowing egg of purple energy becomes visible. KNUCKLES Something's moving inside! The energy egg goes off in a flash, and when the smoke clears, Sonic stands face to face with his metallic counterpart. TAILS Sonic, that robot looks just like you! KNUCKLES What the...? Laughing is heard, and the whole room is filled with beautiful sparkling lights. KNUCKLES Wha... what is that? TAILS It's beautiful! The lights turn into blue flames and head off into the distance, from where moments later DARK-EGGMAN emerges. TAILS It's Dark-Eggman's ghost!! The Dark-Eggman robot goes to pieces. TAILS Oh. It broke. Sera and Eggman emerge from the heap of scrap metal. SONIC Sera? SERA (turns around and smiles) TAILS Why are you and Eggman here, Sera? KNUCKLES I get it! SERA is Dark-Eggman! SERA (starts crying) No... I'm not! TAILS (smiling wickedly at Knuckles) Ah, you made her cry. SERA Dark-Eggman was all Dr. Eggman's idea. SONIC What!? EGGMAN This will be your grave, Sonic. It's indeed typical for you to walk right into my trap. SONIC What'd you say!? Sonic races toward Eggman, but Metal Sonic is there first, stopping Sonic's attack. TAILS I can't believe it... EGGMAN He he he... this is Hyper Metal Sonic. He was brought to life by my incredible genius. TAILS No matter how much it looks like him, your robot will never be like the real Sonic! EGGMAN There is something you should know, Tails. When Sonic was trapped in that forcefield, it was actually scanning his data and coping it into Metal Sonic. He is the perfect weapon. SERA What are you planning to do with that? EGGMAN Isn't it obvious? I'll use it to defeat Sonic and to destroy the "Earth of the Sky"! SERA I won't let you do that! Sera tries to give Eggman a good hit, but his robot-minions restrain her. SONIC Sera! Let her go, Eggman! EGGMAN Come after you've destroyed him, Hyper Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic scans his targets. SONIC Tails, Knuckles, I will handle this alone. Metal Sonic starts his turbo engine, and the fight begins. KNUCKLES Jeez... I've never seen Sonic move so fast! Eggman watches the fight from his Egg-O-Matic, with a tied and gagged Sera sitting on the sideseat. EGGMAN Excellent. Such good proof of my genius! Sonic gets hit and looses consciousness. TAILS Oh, no! Sonic is... Mecha Sonic grabs Sonic. EGGMAN Good job, Metal Sonic. Mecha Sonic flies away, with Sonic in tow. TAILS Sonic! KNUCKLES Wait up, Tails! Tails flies after Metal Sonic, but Knuckles grabs his foot. TAILS Sonic!! KNUCKLES Tails, wait! TAILS If we don't hurry, we won't be able to catch up... KNUCKLES We can't catch up with them, Tails. We need a plan. A gigantic rock falls toward them from above, and the two barely manage to get out of the way. KNUCKLES What the...? Didn't Eggman say something about destroying our world? Eggman unties Sera. EGGMAN There you go, Sera. That wasn't so hard. Now, don't be mad. Just stay with me a little while longer. SERA No, I wanna go home! EGGMAN Just a second. I'll show you something fun. Sonic and Mecha Sonic continue fighting, until Sonic looses sight of his opponent. Sonic stops on a high peek. SONIC (thinking) Where did he go? Mecha Sonic appears right in front of Sonic and gives him a kick that sends him falling toward the far-away ground below. Eggman monitors the progress of the fight on a display from his Egg-O-Matic. Finally Sonic's life signs drop to zero. EGGMAN What happened? Oh yes! Good job! I'm so proud! Tails is flying toward the Warp Zone, with Knuckles still holding onto his foot. KNUCKLES Tails, what's wrong? You are heading toward the Warp Zone. TAILS I'm going to get the Tornado and go home! KNUCKLES What about Sonic? Whoa! Tails and Knuckles enter the Warp. At Sonic's headquarters, OJISAN has made himself comfortable on the beach. OJISAN It sure is quiet tonight. A figure appears in the distance. It has the same silhouette as Sonic. OJISAN Oh, Mr. Sonic. You're home already? The figure approaches Ojisan, and we see that it's Metal Sonic. But Ojisan still doesn't notice. OJISAN Mr. Sonic? What's wrong? Eyaa! Stop, please!! Wide shot of a beautiful forest. Sonic wakes up in a huge bush that broke his fall. SONIC Huh? Where am I? Tails... I remember coming from EggmanLand... Sonic has a brief flashback of his fight with Metal Sonic. SONIC Oh no! That metal thing is going to... From the palace, the PRESIDENT looks at the cities on the neighborhood islands. Most of them are burning. PRESIDENT Is this Eggman's doing? Meanwhile, Knuckles and Tails have reached Sonic's headquarters, using the damaged Tornado as a raft. The headquarters is smoking at several places. KNUCKLES Whoa, there's a lot of damage here. This is Eggman's doing all right. Good thing no one was here, huh? TAILS Mm... aaah! OJISAN was here all the time! Tails and Knuckles enter the headquarters. TAILS Ojisan! Ojisan! KNUCKLES It looks like there's no damage in here. TAILS Ojisan! Where are you? Ojisan approaches from the beach, wearing weird clothing and carrying a scateboard. OJISAN What is it, Tails? TAILS Hey! Those are Sonic's favorite clothes. He'll get mad at you. OJISAN Oh, that's okay. Mr. Sonic was here last night. He let me borrow his clothes and then he flew away. Ha ha ha! KNUCKLES and TAILS Flew away? That was Metalla! (nickname for Metal Sonic) Eggman is approaching the capital cities of the "Earth of the Sky" in his Egg-O-Matic. EGGMAN Metal Sonic did great work! Now the only thing between global destruction and me is time! Eggman produces a dress. EGGMAN Here Sera, this is a present from me. SERA (smiling) Yahoo! You have good taste! Close-up of the tracking device electronics that Eggman gave to Tails. Tails is removing the main processor with the help of a microscope and some mechanical claws that he navigates with joysticks. Knuckles is watching. KNUCKLES Instead of fiddling with that, why don't we go find Sonic? TAILS Just wait. I think this device gives off the same frequency as Metal Sonic. With it... KNUCKLES You could track him down. But what if Metalla and Sonic are in two different places? TAILS It won't happen. They'll be together no matter what. KNUCKLES Umm... I don't get it. TAILS Let me put it this way: Metal Sonic is an exact copy of Sonic, his intelligence, his skills, even his heart. That's why he let Ojisan borrow his clothes. KNUCKLES But he is a robot! TAILS It doesn't matter if he's a robot. He has Sonic's mind. What Sonic sees or hears is also seen or heard by Metal Sonic. Think of them as very close twins. KNUCKLES Twins... okay. Wide shot of a large viewscreen in the president's palace. Pictures are displayed, showing close-ups of various parts of the city. VOICE Sir, we have pictures of the destruction. One of the pictures shows a silhouette that looks like Sonic's. PRESIDENT Sonic! Contact Sonic's base immediately! Knuckles is busy repairing the Tornado, when he hears an incoming call. KNUCKLES What a noisy machine! PRESIDENT Sonic! Tails! Is anyone receiving this? It's me! The viewscreen shows only Ojisan dancing to the music of Sonic's stereo. PRESIDENT What's going on here! Knuckles comes into view. KNUCKLES Who is it? PRESIDENT Who are you? KNUCKLES I'm Knuckles, Sonic's friend. PRESIDENT Oh, okay. So where's Sonic? Is Sera safe? What about Eggman? Did you stop the Generator? KNUCKLES Noisy man. I'm busy! OJISAN (looks at the screen) Oh, the president! KNUCKLES (shocked) Eh? Meanwhile Sera has put on the dress Eggman gave her. Eggman is now wearing a green tux. SERA How do I look, Eggman? Am I pretty? EGGMAN Yes, it looks good on you. SERA But why is it a wedding dress? EGGMAN Well, once Metalla has destroyed the world, it'll just be you and me. Sera has a flashforward showing her married to Eggman, with a dozen crying Egg-babies to look after and Eggman singing a lullaby. She isn't pleased at all by this thought. SERA (shaking Eggman violently) This isn't funny! I will NEVER be your wife!! Back at the president's palace. Tails and Knuckles have filled in the president about Eggman's plans. PRESIDENT Oooh... but I don't think it's possible to destroy the world with only a single robot. KNUCKLES It IS possible. On my journeys I've seen everything on the planet. There's a place where the "Earth of the Sky" is held by ice bridges. By those bridges, magma flows in the ground like blood in veins. If the magma got out and melted the bridges... you know what would happen? Our world would fall apart and be thrown into space. PRESIDENT That... TAILS President, you must keep this a secret from Sonic! SONIC (standing on a railing behind the president) Why is that, Tails? Too late, I heard everything. VOICE Metal Sonic is heading for the ice bridges! PRESIDENT What? We must use all our forces to stop Metalla! Sonic... The president turns around, but Sonic has already left. PRESIDENT Tails, Sonic has gone after Metalla! You have to go help him! Eggman is monitoring everything on a display in his Egg-O-Matic, which shows the outlines of the planet. EGGMAN He's found it! He found the place from where destroying the planet is possible. Let's go Sera! SERA (kicking and screming furiously) No, no! I don't want to be married to you!! No! EGGMAN Sit still while I warp! The Egg-O-Matic disappears. Tails and Knuckles fly in the repaired Tornado, Knuckles standing on top of its wings as Sonic usually does. Tails has put the navigation device back together, but now the radar display shows the heads of Sonic and Metal Sonic, along with their brain waves. TAILS All set! With this we can find Sonic. KNUCKLES Tails, do you really trust that device? I mean... Eggman made it, right? TAILS It's ok. More important, keep watching for Sonic. KNUCKLES All right. Wide shot of the ice bridges. Metal Sonic smashes a hole in the ground, freeing the magma underneath. While overlooking his work, he suddenly notices Sonic approaching. SONIC I'm too late! Where's... Metal Sonic comes out of the ice right underneath Sonic. Both zip away, taking positions some distance away from each other. SONIC (rubbing his nose) He he he... this will be our final fight! Let's go on until one of us is defeated, Metalla. METALLA (rubs his nose in the same fashion) SONIC (having obviously read Metalla's thoughts) What? You think there should only be one Sonic? METALLA (nods) SONIC I agree! Sonic and Metalla fight, until they meet forehead-to-forehead, both running at top speed and pushing against the other. SONIC You might be able to read my thoughts, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. This is crazy! Both shoot straight upward. At the same moment, Eggman's Egg-O-Matic comes out of the Warp overhead. Sonic lands on the front part, Metal Sonic crashes through the Egg-O-Matic's qbottom, his head coming out inside. EGGMAN What? You are still alive!? SERA (kicking at Metal Sonic's head) Iiieh! Go away! Sonic parnces around wildly. EGGMAN Oh... you see what Metal Sonic sees! Now's my chance! Eggman tries to grab the hedgehog, but Sonic zips away and re-appears under the Egg-O-Matic, holding onto Metal Sonic's legs. Eggman stumbles, which causes the Egg-O-Matic to tilt to the side. Sera falls out. SERA Aaaaaahhh!!! SONIC Sera! Sera plummets downward. SERA Help me!! EGGMAN Sera!! Knuckles glides along close above the ice, and catches Sera in his arms. KNUCKLES Oops. That was a close one. Again Sonic and Mecha Sonic are engaged in a fight. SONIC Knuckles! TAILS (voice coming from behind the two) Sonic! The Tornado is heading straight into their direction, hitting Meaha Sonic and separating the two. EGGMAN You caught me at the wrong time! The front part of the Egg-O-Matic opens, revealing a hare-shaped missile and a turtle-shaped missile. Eggman then takes aim at Tails' plane. EGGMAN Ready, aim, fire Eggman Missiles! The hare-missile zooms away and hits the plane clear, causing it to explode. The Turtloid-missile however only 'walks' through the air at an extremely slow pace. EGGMAN Hey, this one is slow. Must be something wrong with the design. Knuckles tries to land on the ice, but it's too slippery. KNUCKLES Aahhh!! I can't stop! Sera gives Knuckles a kiss, and he slumps to the ground. Tails managed to jump out of the plane in time, and is now rolling down a hill, turning into a snowball. TAILS Help! Somebody stop me! SERA Tee hee hee... I knew I had attraction to men! The Egg-O-Matic appears above Sera. EGGMAN Sera, you're coming with me! Tails comes rolling along in a huge snowball. TAILS Stop!! The snowball hits Sera and Knuckles, taking them along until it collides with a wall of ice. When the snow settles, we see that Tails is clinging to Sera's breasts. KNUCKLES Tails!! Tails realizes to what he is holding onto, and jumps away quickly. TAILS (very embarrassed) Uh... sorry. KNUCKLES Tails, no matter how much you... Knuckles is interrupted by Sonic and Metal Sonic fighting. KNUCKLES Oh, that metal thing! TAILS Sonic!! Sonic gets heavily beaten up by Metal Sonic. SERA (screaming) Stop it, Metalla! Metalla turns his head toward Sera, which gives Sonic the opportunity to hit him in the back. Both crash into the ground, causing it to crack at a wide scale. TAILS The ice bridge! Knuckles, you gotta stop the magma! KNUCKLES (hesitating) M... Me? SERA (to Knuckles) Of course. You're a MAN, right? Sera kisses Knuckles on the cheek, his eyes grow wide. KNUCKLES (saluting) At your service! Knuckles speeds up to the bridge and digs several holes into the ice that allows the magma to flow off. TAILS and SERA Hooray. He did it! KNUCKLES (prancing wildly) Aaah! My hat is on fire! Sonic appears in the distance, but is so exhausted from the battle with Metal Sonic that he can't keep on his feet. Metal Sonic gives him a kick, sending the hedgehog sliding over the ice straight toward Tails and Sera. Metalla grabs Sonic by the throat and tries to strangle him. SERA Sonic... Sera starts hitting the robot, but without any effect. SERA How can you be a copy of Sonic? You're so bad! TAILS Oh yeah! Tails starts fiddling with the controls of his wrist device like mad, trying to adjust it to Metal Sonic's brainwaves. SERA (still punching away at Metal Sonic) Let go! If you kill Sonic, I have to marry Eggman! Tails' wrist device emits a ringing sound. TAILS I got it! Metal Sonic lets go of Sonic and starts emitting sparks, unable to control himself. TAILS NOW, SONIC! With his last bit of strength, Sonic goes into a Spin Attack and sends Metal Sonic flying away into the distance. SERA Sonic! SONIC (barely able to speak) Thanks, Tails. A ship flies past overhead and crashes into the ice bridge. SONIC Who? TAILS It doesn't look like Eggman's. SERA That's daddy's ship! Inside the ship we see the president and Ojisan. They try to open the cockpit, but it seems to be stuck. SONIC He can't get it open! TAILS The magma will make it explode! SONIC Sera, get Knuckles. (to Tails) Let's go! The ship starts burning. SERA DADDY!! Tails flies Sonic toward the ship, but suddenly Metal Sonic smashes into them, making both fall to the ground again. TAILS Sonic! SONIC (angry) You still haven't got enough, Metalla? Tails gets ready to use his wrist device again. TAILS Sonic, I'll handle him. You go and save the president... The wrist device is blasted to bits by a well-aimed shot from Eggman, hovering behind them in his Egg-O-Matic. SONIC Eggman! EGGMAN A device that overloads Metal's circuits. Very impressive, Tails. Metal! Take care of Sonic, NOW! Again Sonic and Metal Sonic fight. Knuckles sticks his head out of the ground to see what's going on and Sonic accidentally steps on it, causing a large swelling. Knuckles tries to break open the cockpit and free the president and Ojisan. TAILS Hurry! Hurry! KNUCKLES I heard you! Sonic manages to make Metal Sonic collide with the class of the cockpit, which finally shatters. A few seconds later, the ship explodes. SERA DADDY! SONIC President! Metal Sonic appears in the smoke, carrying the president and Ojisan. TAILS Sonic! KNUCKLES Are you okay, Sonic? SONIC (looking upward) Metalla...! Metalla drops the president and Ojisan. Then a large piece of the exploded ship hits the robot and he falls down into the crater with the magma. Sonic jumps after him. TAILS Sonic, stop! Sonic!! The heat prevents Sonic to reach Metal Sonic. The robot slowly crawls upward, toward Sonic's outstretched hand. SONIC Only a little more! Knuckles grabs Sonic from behind, trying to pull him away. KNUCKLES No, Sonic! He's only trying to trick you! Sonic refuses to listen. But when Metalla is just close enough to grab Sonic's hand, the robot slaps it away. Sonic is shocked. METALLA Sonic is... only one. Metal Sonic slowly dissolves in the magma. SONIC (desperate) Metalla! KNUCKLES No, Sonic! SONIC METALLA!!! Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Ojisan, the president and Sera stand on an ice cliff overlooking the damage done by the magma. SERA C'mon, you aren't acting very Sonic-like. TAILS Yeah. Sonic, you saved the world! Eggman appears in his Egg-O-Matic, showing a CD. EGGMAN He he he... you fools! I have Sonic's data right here! Next time I'll create a Metal Sonic that doesn't have Sonic's heart and... Unnoticed by Eggman, the Turtloid-missile he fired earlier is approaching him and snatches the CD. EGGMAN Hey, that's mine-- aaaah! The turtloid-missile explodes, destroying the CD. Everyone laughs. PRESIDENT It's over. KNUCKLES Not quite! Knuckles walks over to Sonic and hits him on the head. SONIC What was that for? KNUCKLES Try to catch me, Sonic. Knuckles sticks out his tongue and runs off. SONIC Wait up, Knuckles! Sonic runs after Knuckles. TAILS Sonic, wait for me! Tails flies after the two. SONIC Why'd you hit me? KNUCKLES You stepped on my head! SONIC I don't remember that! EGGMAN Wait! Let me get that data again! Eggman is about to follow Sonic, but Sera, the president and Ojisan jump to him into the Egg-O-Matic. SERA Quick Eggman, follow Sonic! The Egg-O-Matic appears behind Sonic, and Sera, Eggman and the president all try to get a hold of him. Sonic thinks that now is a good time to take his leave. SONIC I'll go ahead, Knuckles. Sonic speeds off. KNUCKLES Sonic, wait up! ENDING THEME: Look-Alike On a sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice different things that look alike On a Sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice many many things that look alike I thaw water staking cow Autumn lived here one last year Sparkling turn, raining cloud A, B, C, D Tuesday, Wednesday, so is Friday How 'bout moon then, headlights? What I say and what I think A-B-C-D-E-F... 'cause you're on the go ('cause you're on the go) I was born (I was Born) In the memorize (in the memorize) By the flat on...Neh? On this planet, drinking my coffee I notice, I notice different things that are alike On this planet, drinking my coffee I notice, I notice different things that look alike